Have You Considered a Hair Transplant?

Published on September 4, 2019

Having thick hair is a trait that many desire. Due to reasons like heredity and aging, people start losing their full and thick hair. As hair loss increases over time, bald patches start developing. This can impact self-esteem and can make a person feel very self-conscious. For severe cases of hair loss, one of easiest and most effective treatments is a hair transplant.

A hair transplant can give a person their full head of hair back. We offer a method of hair transplantation known as the FUE method.

What Is the FUE Method?

FUE stands for Follicular Unit Extraction. This technique, also known as a follicular transfer, has proven to be effective time and time again. During it, hair follicles are extracted from a donor area, an area of the scalp where the hair is suitable for transplant. In the FUE method, each follicle grafted is extracted separately.

The FUE method typically starts with shaving the entire head. Once the scalp is shaved, a local anesthetic is used to numb the areas. Dr. Lee then isolates the graft around the follicle by making an incision that is less than 1mm wide. The follicles are removed and then transplanted by inserting them into the areas where there is no hair. These follicles will grow new hair.

Who Can Undergo This Treatment?

Anyone older than age twenty-five who is concerned about hair loss and baldness can undergo this treatment. It is ideal for those who have not been able to achieve their goals using hair-restoration treatments.

The patient needs to have areas on the head where there is enough hair to be taken for transplantation. Those with a tight scalp often have problems with other methods and may find this procedure to be more beneficial.

The patient must be ready to have their head fully shaved for the treatment, and they must be ready to wear their hair short for a time. Those taking blood thinners and those with too many large bald patches will not benefit from this treatment.

How Effective Is It?

The FUE method of hair transplantation has been proven to be quite effective. It can even be used on the eyebrows, beard, and mustache to ensure fuller hair growth. It is less invasive than many traditional treatments, since microneedles are used.

FUE is not as complex as other methods, and the patient can return to work on the same day. The treatment also does not leave scars, which makes it more patient-friendly.

Contact Us

Are you interested in learning more about the FUE hair transplant and how it can restore your hair? If so, it’s time to contact Dr. Raymond Lee and schedule your initial consultation.

Dr. Lee, who is double-board-certified in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and Otolaryngology, will be happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have. During the consultation, Dr. Lee will examine your scalp and ensure that you are right for the procedure. You will go over your complete medical history and can look at before-and-after photos.


Newport Beach  PH. 949 706 2277

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