Facial Fat Grafting for Rejuvenation
Published on April 4, 2017 by FACEOLOGYMDThe natural aging process causes us to lose about 10% of the fat in our face at around the age of 35 and an additional 5-10% every 5-10 years thereafter. By the age of 55 you may have experienced a 40% reduction of the fat in your face, giving a once youthful and plump face a hollowed out or deflated look.
Fat grafting involves removing fat from one’s own abdomen or thighs to put into certain regions of the face that start to lose fat. As one ages, the loss of fat in the eyes, cheeks and jawline becomes quite prominent. The goal of facial fat grafting is to return volume to the face so it’s youthful looking once more.
Volume restoration also adds more light to the face, which in turn can make the skin look more radiant. Adding fat back to the face can even begin to help the skin texture and tone.
Fat grafting also appeals to many prospective patients, as it is minimally invasive and does not require any traditional facial incisions. The fat transfer procedure can be used to plump almost all areas of the face including the cheeks, lips, forehead, nasolabial folds (smile wrinkles next to the mouth), and around the eyes.
Adding facial volume instantly creates a more youthful appearance by plumping the skin and correcting the over prominent appearance of the underlying bone structure. One benefit of utilizing the patient’s own fat to add volume is that the result tends to have a very natural appearance.
- The procedure is minimally invasive and can be performed using a local anesthetic
- Little to no recovery time is required for the transfer
- Volume lift is instant and can last for several years
- Provides a natural looking result
- Fat is harvested from the patient’s “problem areas” providing double enhancement.
- The procedure is relatively painless with no scarring.
If you’ve experienced moderate to severe facial volume loss, are in good health, and fall within your ideal weight range you’re a great candidate for the fat transfer procedure. To undergo fat transfer patients must have a sufficient amount of harvestable fat.
Dr. Raymond Lee is an award winning, double board certified facial plastic surgeon with expertise in facial rejuvenation under local anesthesia. He has been practicing in Orange County for over 10 years and has performed 4000 facial rejuvenation procedures under light anesthesia.
Dr. Lee has been voted The #1 Cosmetic Surgeon in Orange County by the OC Register. Dr. Lee wants you to “Experience Beauty, the most natural way”. Dr. Lee’s does not believe in the old traditional facelift. Over the course of his career he has mastered the art and science of facial rejuvenation with natural results, minimal sedation, and easy recovery. His signature “FACEology LIFT” (face and neck lift alternative) is the embodiment of all these elements and is what he is widely sought out for.