Covid 19 Update

We are now performing all of our non-surgical and most of our surgical services with the utmost safety. We have extensively researched and implemented state of the art safety protocols to our practice.

Here are the top 10 things we are doing to protect our patients:

  1. Screening health questions the day before and the day of the patient visit.
  2. Infra-red temperature check.
  3. No waiting room wait.
  4. HEPA filter air purification with UV-C Antiviral treatment in treatment rooms.
  5. N95 masks for staff and surgical masks provided for patients.
  6. In-office or at home Covid-19 saliva testing before surgery (no q-tip in your nose).
  7. Special peroxide rinses before your lip filler treatment.
  8. Daily scrub uniform changes for staff that are professionally laundered. Also special protective gowns for close patient contact.
  9. We have implemented “non-contact” payment systems such as Apple Pay.
  10. Plexi-glass protected check-in and out areas.

FaceologyMD® is now offering virtual consultations and follow ups. With virtual consulting, you can gather facts, ask questions, and voice your concerns confidentially. This gives patients the opportunity to get to know their facial plastic surgeon and receive professional opinions and options regarding your plastic surgery questions.

Request a Virtual Consultation


Newport Beach  PH. 949 706 2277

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